Fisrt day jitters...
So, I'm not all about my new business (although it's starting to take over my little house!) and today is my first day back at Uni. After being made redundant and a rushed trip to the hospital (both, unrelated I might add) it gave me a new found appreciation for loads of things - and education was one of them.
I was one of those people that really stuffed around at College. I was at Art College, so I could do my coursework in my sleep as it never really felt like work. But I did take it for granted and walked away when I was ONE PAPER from finishing. Now I'm older, it was my one major regret, so after the whole 'recession' thing kicked in saw it as a great opportunity to snatch back my education with a new found respect.
So today, is my first day back and I'll be starting a Diploma in Graphic Design. Class doesn't start until 1pm this afternoon, and it's like I'm in a waiting room with a pending awful examination in the wings....
I was having all these horrible flash backs from my first day at Intermediate (middle school), just feeling so, so awkward and hoping until it hurt that people wouldn't hate me. Being a whole lot older, I thought it would be easier - but there is still that lingering feeling of being 12 again...
Fingers crossed I don't make a total dick of myself.