Dusting off the Sewing Machine...
Literally, I had to dust off my sewing machine over the last few days. It has been sitting in the corner of my room looking rather sorry for itself, not being used and gathering so much dust — well not anymore! I decided last week as part of my money saving strategy (new blog in regards to this being created as we speak....) that I would be making most of Grace's and my clothes for the Summer and as it's such a lovely Spring already, Summer can only be better. I chose Summer as a bit of a cheat really because it's mainly just skirts and dresses... nevertheless, it requires some effort and perseverance from me and that is a feat on it's own.
To get back into the swing of things (and to have a little practice) I decided to make a pencil case for Uni. I love my vintage tin, but it rattles every time I walk and it was starting to get on my nerves. I found the PERFECT pencil case tutorial here on this awesome blog Annie Get Your Glue Gun (aside from the awesome name, it's also full of cool stuff), I say perfect because I have a stationery obsession, and my pencil case comes into that and I really wanted a square one that would sit just right...... anyways, I used a little bit of the Bam Bam fabric supply, which I did feel terrible about but it came out so well that I'll learn to forgive myself.
I am on holidays from Uni next week, so will no doubt have my days filled with sewing and getting ready for Summer.
Thanks for the great link to the Burda Patterns Jess :) I usually try and make things by trial and error, but they are so cheap it'd be silly not to purchase the patterns from them!
Go you!! Love everything you made. All looks great! Don't forget I have a tonne of little girls patterns which you are welcome to borrow at any time for Grace.