Thank You and Goodnight... for now

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I've had to do some major soul searching lately and have come to a few decisions now that life has been changing so much with the launch of Foxes, the popularity of the Auckland Art & Craft Fair and everything else that life throws. Bam Bam Creative has grown and changed so much since I launched and started making my first things, but I have decided that I just can't maintain the blog (and other things) anymore and it's going to be tucked up and put away.

To find out about new products and things that I am making, follow Foxes blog.

To see my tutorials, recipes and general craftiness, follow Penny In My Purse.

Bam Bam Creative has now gone back to it's roots; I now do things just for fun! No more markets. Unless they're very, very special of course.

It's been so great to have you all as supporters of what I do, I really, really appreciate it. Without you all, Bam Bam Creative wouldn't be where it is today.

Thank you. Thank you and goodnight..... for now


Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's such a fickle season — bright sunshine and 22 degrees yesterday, now it's raining and rather cold today, so fickle. Here is a shot of the big tree that is next to our deck with it's first little green shoots. It's going to be beautiful in Summer.

This tree is a playground to so many native birds that live around us — the Tui have been going mental, fighting for the ladies attention and putting on the most amazing displays.

Bam Bam Creative in Homestyle Magazine

Monday, September 27, 2010

One of my sweet little Hoppity Hoppity Bunny clocks was featured in the latest issue (October/November) of Homestyle Magazine! It's part of a collection of goodies that are eco-friendly, they even used my original photograph, styled by me — hurrah!

Exclusively available through

Kraftbomb Tomorrow!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Kraftbomb tomorrow and I'm going to be there! It's been a while since I was there, the last one was June I think.... ages ago! It will be great to be there again and see all my crafty peeps. I've been making a few new things too. Kraftbomb this month will be my last market for a while, my next one will be the Auckland Art & Craft Fair (if I can organise myself that is!)

Anyway, if you want to nab some Bam Bam Creative goodies, come along!

First Thursdays Craft Market...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

You may have heard of First Thursdays before, if not it's a really awesome event being put together by the K'rd Business Association to support the arts in the area. It will be a fun, regular event (4 times a year) that combines music, dance, art and craft all in the one place.

Part of the event is a craft market, I'm helping organise this and the applications are open right now! Past markets have been really successful, so if you feel like something a little different to the usual markets, you should give this one a try!

The market is held in the evening from 6 to 9pm and is inside the beautiful St Kevins Arcade, this first one will be Thursday 2nd December — perfect for a spot of Christmas shopping!

A week of new things....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Well, we moved house last weekend — the move went really well, the guys I hired were SO fast! The whole thing was done and dusted within 4 hours, including having a cuppa at the end of all the lugging. So great. Our new house is great and we have settled in well, although, I have pretended that we have un-packed everything by hiding away the boxes I'm not wanting to face just yet... next week, honest!

Not only was it a new house, but it was also Grace's first day of school on Monday! She looks so cute in her school uniform, she just looks so grown up. Her first week has gone really well, lots of new friends made and she has the best teacher which always helps.

I'm planning on getting back into some sewing and making next week, once I can face more of the boxes!

Chat soon
J xx

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What I do...

Bam Bam Creative makes boutique and vintage inspired homewares and childrens homewares — all made by hand with a lot of love and attention.

Making fabric Covered Wall Art, Magnets and Brooches, coordinating Bunting, Throw Cushions, Zipper Purses and soon to debut — Mobiles & Quilts — all made with an individual quality that you will love to look at and treasure for years to come.