Fancy a trip to the Devo Craft Market this weekend...?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Then you will need to take a gander at this poster! And what a lovely poster it is, very nicely Illustrated and has all the information you need.

I will of course be there selling my lovely items, along with my new Bye Bye Baby Bunting, Hoppity Hoppity Bunny Zipper Purses and a selection of new blank cards.

For the Summer, The Devonport Craft Market will have special extended hours, so will now be running from 10am until 3pm (a bloody long day for a stall holder, but fantastic for the punters). So come and get your 5 hours of crafty goodness when you have surfaced in the morning, maybe get the ferry over from the city? Take a stroll around Mt Victoria while you're there? Have lunch at one of the local restaurants? Either way, there's plenty to do so fingers crossed for some excellent weather.

Sunday 4th October — The Devonport Craft Market, Clarence House, 32 Clarence Street, Devonport — doors open 10am until 3pm

See you there!

Sneaky Peaky.... new products and the Kraftbomb low down

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hey Folks,

Sorry it's been a while, it's been a busy ol' time around here in our household. Last week I was putting together my mid-year portfolio for Uni, Kraftbomb was the weekend just gone and now I'm getting ready for The Devonport Craft Market this weekend. Good thing I'm on holidays this week, I can really dedicate some time to all the tasks I have to complete (and you can be sure there are way too many for one little person like me).

If you follow me on Twitter or are a fan on Facebook you will know that Kraftbomb was another success. It was a little quieter than usual, but plenty of my little creatures found new homes which was nice. I also got to meet some lovely new vendors and of course punters. I was a little sneaky and did some shopping for myself this month, usually I am very restrained as I really don't have the money to splurge on myself, but when I saw this little notebook on the Ruby In The Dust blog, I knew I had to have it! I mean, it has a fawn on it, it's like she made it just for me... already I have been using it to write down all my notes and idea's for new products for this Christmas, so watch this space!

My new notebook from Ruby In The Dust

I had on the front of my table my new bunting which I had made last week (very late at night after Uni, I'm surprised the spelling was ok...) which got plenty of comments, and got the cogs in my fair brain churning.... so I'm very pleased to show you the new Bye Bye Baby Bunting! It's made to match all my lovely wall art and comes with 5 flags per piece of bunting, I also included little loops on the ends so that you can hook it up. I thought it would be great over doorways, beds and windows and is just in time for Summer tea parties outside on the lawn to make lovely decorations in your trees. Of course, my gorgeous bunting won't just be for the mini people in your life, I'm doing some in a few more 'grown-up' colour schemes... These will be up on Etsy in about a week, and will be available for sale at The Devonport Craft Market this weekend.

Bye Bye Baby Bunting in Blue'sBye Bye Baby Bunting in Pink Vintage

Another little tid-bit of news that I first announced via Twitter and Facebook, was that I have been putting the finishing touches on a new Hoppity Hoppity Bunny purses! They are little purses perfect for coins, make-up, those special 'lady' products or pretty much anything that you can fit inside. So now you don't have to leave your bunnies at home, they can be carted around in your bag wherever you go, so sweet. They each feature a zipper closure and are fully lined in a semi-circle shape (so you don't loose coins in their ears, clever huh). At the moment I am busily beavering away on these, they will be available for sale on Etsy in about a week, and again will be available at The Devonport Craft Market this weekend, so lots of reasons to come.

Hoppity Hoppity Bunny Zipper Purse in Dragon Flies

I'm really looking forward to making all this new stuff, it's going to be great to have more to offer especially with Christmas just around the corner...

Chat soon lovelies! xxx

Kraftbomb this weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It comes around so fast! Kraftbomb is happening this weekend, I absolutely love Kraftbomb time of the month, it's so nice to meet all the lovely people that come along and the ones that sell their lovely things!

So if you can, pop along for a day of fantastic-crafty-goodness, it would be lovely to see you xxx

Dusting off the Sewing Machine...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Literally, I had to dust off my sewing machine over the last few days. It has been sitting in the corner of my room looking rather sorry for itself, not being used and gathering so much dust — well not anymore! I decided last week as part of my money saving strategy (new blog in regards to this being created as we speak....) that I would be making most of Grace's and my clothes for the Summer and as it's such a lovely Spring already, Summer can only be better. I chose Summer as a bit of a cheat really because it's mainly just skirts and dresses... nevertheless, it requires some effort and perseverance from me and that is a feat on it's own.

To get back into the swing of things (and to have a little practice) I decided to make a pencil case for Uni. I love my vintage tin, but it rattles every time I walk and it was starting to get on my nerves. I found the PERFECT pencil case tutorial here on this awesome blog Annie Get Your Glue Gun (aside from the awesome name, it's also full of cool stuff), I say perfect because I have a stationery obsession, and my pencil case comes into that and I really wanted a square one that would sit just right...... anyways, I used a little bit of the Bam Bam fabric supply, which I did feel terrible about but it came out so well that I'll learn to forgive myself.

pencil case of loveliness

Next up I stumbled across the Burda Style website — a candy shop of patterns! Most of which are free or only a few dollars. If you have access to a printer it's amazing — you just print them out, tile them, tape them together, chop it out and start sewing. I made this bag as a practice run, I thought it came out rather well so will have to make some more, you can find the pattern here. From this amazing holy grail of patterns, I have also printed off a couple of super nice high-waited skirts and the Mens Pete t-shirt which I will be making into a more feminine version for Summer frolics... watch this space and go check out the website!
Estelle bag

With all this new stuff for me, Grace was feeling a little left out. I wanted to make her some pretty-as-a-picture skirts that she could spin around in, dance, play and still look delicious in. I found the best tutorial to make a Twirly Skirt on the House on Hill Road blog. So easy with step by step pictures, and the results as you can see came out so well! I didn't make the little tie for the waist, only because it would probably just get lost with Grace so I saved myself the bother. It was basically just sewing in a straight line, nothing fancy, just good, honest sewing. I'll also be making her some smocked dresses, so will post those as soon as they are actually made.
The lovely Grace in her new skirt (excuse the grubby singlet...)

I am on holidays from Uni next week, so will no doubt have my days filled with sewing and getting ready for Summer.

and the winner is....

With the help of an empty tissue box, little bits of paper and my lovely assistant Grace — a winner has been chosen for the competition........

Congratulations Emma!

Thanks to everyone that entered, retweeted on twitter, blogged and facebooked about the competition it was really great to have your support.

Talk soon my lovelies!

Competition closes in 7 hours....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So make sure you leave your comment on this post to win a gorgeous little 'Babe in the Wood' winner will be notified later today.

Jess xxx

Want to win something lovely?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You do? Well today is your lucky day. As I previously advertised on my Twitter and Facebook fanpage, I said that I would do a bit of a give away on the little ol' blog on Monday (so sorry it's now Tuesday, I've had a cold and really just forgot about it).
The deal was that the highest hearted item on my Etsy store would be given away to one lucky person. So as of today, the highest hearted item in my store is the 'Babe in the Wood' in the Birds and Butterflies print, at a value of US$21 and I'll even send it directly to your door.

This competition is open to anyone, anywhere in the world so tell your friends about it.
You may only enter once
Competition closes Sunday 20th September 2009 at 5pm New Zealand time
Judges decision is final

Just write a comment below with why you want to win this lovely prize and where you think you might put it. Easy peasy.

So hop to it

Kraftbombs Birthday Bash

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So it's all done and dusted, and I have a serious case of post-party blues — it's all finished and that makes me sad! It was a really awesome day, City and Karla (the beautiful brains behind Kraftbomb) really put on an excellent market, and I have never seen so many people cram into one space! There was live music and the band was amazing, if anyone knows who they were let me know!

Everyone was chipper, people were stopping for a chat and so many of my cute little things found new homes — which is always lovely! I got to chat to so many new people and everyone was so nice, it was great to see some of my previous customers stop by again as I always love hearing about where my little creations end up.

My new postcards went down a treat and I actually ran out at the end of the day, and nearly ran out of business cards. I'll definitely be getting some more printed as soon as I can, well worth it!

I can't wait for the next birthday!

My table, laden with goodies

The new mice! So cute, they'll be up on Etsy soon...

The beginning — this was the quiet time!

Awesome music

Some lovely badges I was so kindly given by Esther from — Thank you!

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What I do...

Bam Bam Creative makes boutique and vintage inspired homewares and childrens homewares — all made by hand with a lot of love and attention.

Making fabric Covered Wall Art, Magnets and Brooches, coordinating Bunting, Throw Cushions, Zipper Purses and soon to debut — Mobiles & Quilts — all made with an individual quality that you will love to look at and treasure for years to come.