What I Wore Today: Any chance to draw and doodle...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Two of my favourite Illustrators, Kate Wilson and Sarah McNeil, contribute to this Flickr Group "What I Wore Today" started by fellow Illustrator, Gemma. Instead of it being photographs, people draw illustrations of themselves with their daily outfits (self explanatory really). I've been meaning to jump on the band wagon for ages, just for a bit of fun and something to do. Obviously my illustration skills require some work so I'll have to keep it up (such a good excuse to draw and doodle!). The group pops their favourites on their blog which you can find here.
Fellow Auckland crafter, Olivia from Lily's Make Believe has also joined in, hooray!
This is cool!
Reminds me a bit of this:
(Except fashion and not buying)